12:49 Monday, September 15, 2008   2

The CONTENTS Procedure

Data Set Name        WEMAP.VERTCNT                             Observations          6202
Member Type          DATA                                      Variables             26  
Engine               V9                                        Indexes               0   
Created              Friday, September 28, 2007 02:37:30 PM    Observation Length    584 
Last Modified        Friday, September 28, 2007 02:37:30 PM    Deleted Observations  0   
Protection                                                     Compressed            NO  
Data Set Type                                                  Sorted                NO  
Data Representation  WINDOWS_32                                                          
Encoding             wlatin1  Western (Windows)                                          

                Engine/Host Dependent Information

Data Set Page Size          16384                                 
Number of Data Set Pages    222                                   
First Data Page             1                                     
Max Obs per Page            28                                    
Obs in First Data Page      20                                    
Number of Data Set Repairs  0                                     
File Name                   d:\data\im\wemap\data\vertcnt.sas7bdat
Release Created             9.0101M3                              
Host Created                XP_PRO                                

                                 Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes
 #    Variable         Type    Len    Format       Informat     Label

12    ABUND            Num       8                              Total Number of Specimens                   
17    ANOM_CT          Num       8                              Anomalies Count                             
26    COMMENT          Char    200                              Field Crew Comments and IM Comments         
 3    DATE_COL         Num       8    MMDDYY10.    MMDDYY10.    Date of Site Visit                          
 7    FAM_OR_CLS       Char     20                              Family name                                 
23    FSHTOTTM         Num       8                              Total fishing timedup (min)                 
 8    GENUS            Char     30                              Scientific name (Genus)                     
15    LENG_MAX         Num       8                              Maximum Fish Length                         
14    LENG_MIN         Num       8                              Minimum Fish Length                         
16    MORT_CNT         Num       8                              Number of Mortalities                       
11    NAME_COM         Char     30    $40.         $40.         Vertebrate Common Name                      
10    ORIGIN           Char      2                              (N)ative, (E)xotic, (U)ndetermined          
20    PCT_SAMP         Char     10                              Percent of Sampled Transpaces Fished        
21    SAMPLED_VERTS    Char     13                              New Completeness of Vertebrate Sample       
 5    SAMP_ID          Num       8                              Sample Tracking Number (Barcode)            
24    SHKDIST          Num       8                              Shocking distance (m)                       
25    SHKTOTTM         Num       8                              Total shock time (sec)                      
 1    SITE_ID          Char     15                              Stream Identification                       
 9    SPECIES          Char     25                              Scientific name (Species)                   
18    TRANSFISH        Char     39                              Transpaces This Species Was Collected In    
19    TRAN_TOT         Char     49                              Transects sampled                           
 6    VERTCODE         Char      8    $14.         $14.         Unique Species ID                           
22    VERT_SAMP2       Char     32                              Comment on Completeness of Vertebrate Sample
 2    VISIT_NO         Num       8                              Within Year Site Visit Number               
13    VOUCHERS         Num       8                              Number of Fish Vouchered                    
 4    YEAR             Num       8                              Year of Site Visit